The Nobel peace prize awarded to the European Union is recognition of
the historic triumph of democratic solidarity over ideologies based on
narrow nationalism, jingoism and militarism. Small wonder that Friday’s
announcement has been received with derision and scorn by Eurosceptic
and far-right forces that have stoked popular fears over the bloc’s
enlargement into Eastern Europe. In the face of record unemployment and
crippling austerity, the honour must be read no less as an appeal to the
EU’s current leadership to live up to the original promise of promoting
peace and prosperity among its people. The EU deserves credit for
helping keep the peace in a continent that has been responsible for more
death and bloodshed than any other in the world. But its current
policies are responsible for an austerity drive so intense that it
threatens the disintegration of the European project. Europe’s statesmen
of the post-war generation endeavoured to institutionalise the
principles of democratic reconciliation, respect for human rights and
the rule of law within and between nations. These values form the
bedrock of the Council of Europe, the European Court of Human Rights and
the EU. Few would dispute that a response to today’s resurgent
nationalist extremism and religious fundamentalism globally must
ultimately draw upon and build on these principles.

Europe’s visionaries were also shrewd enough to recognise that
solidarity among countries could not be sustained without material
prosperity for their people. This understanding led to the pooling of
Franco-German coal and steel resources and the steady removal of trade
and customs tariffs between France, Germany, Italy and the Benelux
countries. These visionary steps were precursors to the single market,
the Schengen borderless area and the single currency. Whether they say
so or not, most regional trading blocs around the world are attempts to
replicate more or less the European model. To be sure, the EU’s record
in the defence and promotion of human rights and democracy has been less
than creditable since 9/11. Key EU states refused to endorse the
illegal American invasion of Iraq but the willingness of many European
countries to assist in the kidnapping and ‘rendition’ of terror suspects
by the United States has exposed them to the charge of double standards
and hypocrisy. A more scrupulous adherence to norms would be no less in
the bloc’s own interest considering its enlargement into the Balkans
where democratic institution-building remains a challenge. The EU has
much work to do still to be truly worthy of the Nobel prize for peace.
It should not sit on its laurels. For a globalised world has much at
stake in the success of European integration.
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